Tarachime is a documentary film which observes 'life' through childbirth. Kawase Naomi, a film director working under the theme of family, life and death, presents the bond of life through her own childbirth experience. "First, I was planning to film from the day I conceived a child and to the moment I gave birth. But I realized, while filming, that this is not the story of "one life." In the end, the film sublimed to a higher stage on which we can witness the knot tying one life with another."
Release Date: August 10, 2006
December 08, 2004
January 01, 2007
April 19, 2007
November 11, 2011
February 06, 1985
April 23, 1977
September 15, 2006
May 29, 2014
August 11, 2020
March 14, 2016
September 10, 2003
April 13, 1995
March 13, 2014
March 03, 2014
November 01, 2023
April 21, 1981
December 26, 1972
November 08, 2022
September 08, 2012
February 05, 2014