In this entertaining Puppetoon animated short film, a young boy, Jasper, gets trapped inside a pawnshop at midnight. All the musical instruments come to life and play jazz. A whooping wooden Indian chief self-animates as well, and goes on the warpath.
Release Date: October 18, 1946
March 31, 2009
June 10, 2016
November 23, 2004
January 01, 1993
June 16, 1936
February 11, 2008
March 22, 1946
July 01, 1990
June 27, 2001
June 21, 1977
January 20, 2022
December 03, 1999
February 02, 1934
March 29, 1965
January 01, 1935
September 01, 2019
January 01, 1993
January 22, 1937
October 29, 2004
September 21, 2007