The show starts when Colloredo is named successor to the Prince-Archbishop of Salzburg. The new king is an austere authoritarian man which is insensitive to the music of Mozart and allergic to the enthusiasm and the impertinence of the character. For Mozart, Salzburg's life quickly becomes untenable. He was 20 when he decided to leave his hometown with his mother in search of a better future in a European capital. The journey of the composer will be made of failures and cruel disappointments. But at the end, Mozart will experience glory, love, rivalry before its ultimate fall and misery. He left his best work, the Requiem, unfinished.
Release Date: November 17, 2011
April 10, 2009
November 06, 1968
November 22, 1961
May 15, 1934
July 07, 1964
May 18, 2001
October 21, 2013
November 28, 2013
September 01, 2020
December 31, 2019
February 07, 2023
August 12, 1989
January 01, 2002
June 01, 2014
June 11, 1982
October 28, 1998
November 18, 1983
September 26, 2005
February 09, 1958
October 05, 1934