In a dystopian Detroit, grand houses that once housed the wealthy are now homes of the city's most-dangerous criminals. Surrounding the area is a giant wall to keep the rest of Detroit safe. For undercover cop Damien Collier, every day is a battle against corruption as he struggles to bring his father's killer, Tremaine, to justice. Meanwhile, Damien and an ex-con named Lino work together to save the city from a plot to destroy it.
Release Date: April 22, 2014
December 10, 1977
June 10, 2005
July 03, 1991
October 13, 1995
July 02, 2003
October 14, 1973
December 22, 2004
October 26, 2006
October 26, 1984
August 26, 1994
September 06, 2003
June 06, 1956
December 18, 1961
September 10, 1999
September 23, 2005
August 03, 2023
January 01, 1990
October 15, 1999
June 25, 2004
May 01, 2007