Cha Ekan Cha is a 2013 Nepali comedy action film written and co-produced by Deepak Raj Giri and directed by Dinesh D.C..It includes a cast of Nepali television comedians like Deepak Raj Giri, Jeetu Nepal, Sitaram Kattel and Kedar Ghimire, this ought to be an outrageous and funny affair. However, with all the talents involved, the film makes no effort in offering anything substantial that would’ve complemented the already established brilliance of these people. It’s a film that is in dire search of a clear plot and stretches so far to feature length only through jokes and one-liners. Cha Ekan Cha received positive to mixed reviews from critics upon release. The film has been praised for its direction, cinematography, action sequences, exotic locations.
Release Date: January 01, 2014
May 13, 1938
March 03, 2000
December 31, 2004
May 25, 1967
March 08, 1962
September 09, 1970
March 17, 2001
October 27, 2006
February 18, 1976
December 06, 2002
March 06, 1996
July 17, 2001
February 28, 2014
August 31, 1998
October 12, 2007
April 27, 2022
April 28, 1961
December 19, 1953
November 21, 2004
August 08, 2014