A surreal, experimental, minimalistic animated film that dives into the inner recesses of creativity, imagination, longing and inspiration. Taking place from the somber point of view of a young wizard as he lives out his day, watching over a little town. Le Geniaque pays homage to Georges Melies and 1920s silent films in general.
Release Date: June 03, 2013
February 01, 2017
March 18, 2017
March 18, 2017
July 11, 2008
November 16, 2001
November 13, 2002
May 31, 2004
November 16, 2005
July 08, 2007
November 13, 1940
October 31, 1992
July 15, 2009
December 14, 1984
June 25, 2006
May 06, 1932
May 18, 2001
May 19, 2004
May 17, 2007
November 25, 1992
May 20, 1988