Based on a short story by Houshang Golshiri, this film centers on mysterious and chilling events that take place in a village. A group of superstitious inhabitants have erected a scarecrow for protection but soon find themselves terrorized by it. Made at the end of the Shah’s reign, the film offers a metaphorical reflection on power relations — how people create their own idols who turn around to terrorize them.
Release Date: May 10, 1979
April 22, 1953
September 04, 1969
October 28, 2020
August 08, 2019
December 06, 2017
October 09, 2019
October 09, 2007
January 21, 2005
August 08, 2003
January 15, 1971
September 12, 2018
August 05, 1942
April 23, 2000
May 10, 2022
July 21, 2009
August 18, 2021
July 11, 2008
July 16, 2008
May 20, 2002
October 24, 1981