In his debut feature film, Kumar Shahani employs highly innovative forms for depicting the conflict between oppressive feudal norms and a changing industrial landscape while making female sexuality and its complex mindscape the focus. The protagonist, Taran, the younger daughter of a Rajasthani zamindar revolts against the social code set by the class system by a sexual encounter with an engineer. This film was one of the earlier and successful examples experimentation in colour during the advent of New Indian cinema.
Release Date: August 02, 1973
September 26, 2013
September 08, 2016
March 14, 2019
August 22, 2014
December 21, 2007
September 28, 2007
September 02, 2006
December 14, 1984
January 09, 1981
March 27, 1985
January 07, 1977
February 17, 1980
February 13, 2009
May 26, 1947
January 06, 1961
April 01, 2016
October 11, 1956
August 22, 1997
December 31, 2004
September 07, 2007