The life, adventures and exploits of warlord Date Masamune the One-eyed Dragon: his early youth as an aggressive warrior, the battles he won until subduing almost all his enemies, the lonely comprehension of knowing that he actually can not take over the whole country because he was born too late.
Release Date: July 02, 1942
February 18, 2022
May 03, 1966
December 30, 1972
March 31, 1954
August 29, 1986
November 27, 1996
June 03, 2006
December 01, 2006
April 21, 1970
April 01, 1958
March 26, 1953
January 18, 2003
September 15, 1962
July 25, 1992
September 29, 2007
February 13, 2008
November 06, 1938
December 27, 1960
December 15, 1958
June 21, 1956