A pseudo-documentary, “Samarang” tells the story of lowly Ahmang (Captain A.V. Cockle) and his socially superior love, Sai-Yu (Theresa Seth). Both live in the village of Samarang in the Indian Ocean. Because Sai-Yu is the daughter of a chief and Ahmang is but a poor fisherman, he needs to increase his wealth before asking for her hand. Thus he accepts the perilous offer of the wily Chang-Fu, who seeks pearl divers. Ahmang must brave the treacherous waters of the Forbidden Lagoon of Sakai, home to bloodthirsty cannibals, killer sharks, and a monstrous grasping octopus. Sai-Yu and Ahmang’s younger brother Ko-Hai come along for kicks, too. Ahmang finds his pearl, but he and Sai-Yu are stranded on the island, where they befriend a local orangutan. When they return to the boat, a shark kills Ko-Hai, and Ahmang must get revenge.
Release Date: June 28, 1933
October 07, 1962
May 19, 2007
May 23, 1997
July 18, 2001
December 04, 1974
December 24, 1981
April 19, 1984
April 12, 1979
February 13, 2018
July 08, 1998
December 22, 1995
May 22, 2007
May 04, 1984
January 01, 1952
September 22, 1987
April 22, 1970
November 16, 2010
July 09, 2003
July 06, 2006
July 01, 2007