An edgy action thriller set in Las Vegas during a terrorist attack. A genius computer loner takes control of the city and the attack as he fights with his fits of overwhelming depression and obsessions with love and death.
Release Date: November 05, 2005
June 06, 1935
February 27, 1920
August 26, 1994
October 15, 1999
September 14, 1994
January 01, 1932
February 11, 1993
January 19, 2001
June 10, 1988
December 29, 1995
October 11, 2000
June 25, 1982
June 01, 1990
January 26, 1951
August 13, 1998
June 29, 1985
February 22, 1993
February 27, 1964
December 22, 1970
February 10, 1996