In England, a group of space scientists led by Bernard Quatermass, who have developed plans for the first Moon colony, learn that a secret, ostensibly government-run, complex of identical design has been built in a remote part of England and is the focus of periodic falls of small, hollow "meteorites" originating in outer space. Quatermass determines to investigate and uncovers a terrifying extraterrestrial life form which has already begun action to take over the Earth.
Release Date: May 24, 1957
June 05, 2009
July 01, 1972
April 20, 1996
July 21, 2008
February 22, 2016
April 21, 2010
November 04, 2021
June 27, 1997
May 23, 1997
July 18, 2001
May 06, 1932
September 28, 1951
June 01, 1955
December 14, 1977
December 14, 1984
February 07, 1968
March 08, 2014
March 24, 2023
October 31, 2016
July 11, 1997