After graduation, a young woman gets his first job in the women's prison in the province. The story follows her struggle to survive in a small town with her small child, alcohol addiction, and the battle with the prisoners and prison brutality and other schemers who wanted to remove her from working spot.
Release Date: January 01, 1985
October 05, 2007
June 19, 1956
May 11, 1930
December 01, 1971
January 01, 1980
April 25, 1974
November 11, 1970
June 16, 2007
April 11, 1991
March 22, 1996
July 19, 2005
April 02, 1981
December 11, 1998
June 27, 2001
October 03, 1997
December 24, 2004
June 03, 2004
February 16, 2009
January 28, 2010
July 29, 2005