The 10 Rules comedy tells a story of a shy scientist Marek who falls hopelessly in love with a seemingly inaccessible girl. His friends determined to help him, call Marek’s father, a successful publisher of books on the subject of how to get a woman. Together, they begin to develop a very peculiar course on girl psychology. However, do these 10 sure-fire rules apply exactly as described in the books?
Release Date: March 20, 2014
January 28, 2000
April 21, 1977
September 07, 2017
February 08, 2022
January 01, 1982
December 22, 2004
April 25, 1979
April 19, 1977
August 25, 2000
July 14, 1953
October 25, 2004
June 25, 2006
June 06, 2003
September 02, 2004
March 30, 2005
December 22, 2000
February 25, 1953
May 15, 1996
November 24, 1993
August 26, 1953