It tells the story of a boy Kumasenu who moves to the city of Accra from a small fishing village, encouraged by his cousin Agboh's exaggerated tales of the wonders of city life. Hungry, he steals bread and is caught by police, but is rescued by a doctor and his wife who find him work. Agboh attempts to get Kumasenu to rob the doctor, but Kumasenu foils his cousin's plans.
Release Date: January 01, 1952
November 15, 2022
February 28, 1975
March 22, 1978
April 12, 1967
December 31, 2023
May 20, 2008
April 01, 2017
April 13, 2005
September 23, 1988
December 03, 1987
January 01, 1988
January 12, 2006
December 08, 2006
December 18, 1985
September 09, 2016
December 20, 1985
April 19, 2017
May 02, 2007
May 04, 2001
March 03, 1993