The Way of Drama unfolds in the world of kabuki in Osaka, but also addresses the politics of popular culture and the rivalry between theatrical styles like those used by amateur actors to dramatise contemporary events.
Release Date: May 11, 1944
February 14, 1991
October 01, 1985
May 23, 1984
October 07, 2003
July 16, 1999
April 26, 1954
June 29, 2006
September 01, 1985
March 28, 1990
October 29, 1963
December 14, 1984
October 23, 2013
May 02, 1979
November 18, 1959
July 11, 1997
June 02, 1995
April 25, 1979
December 21, 2000
September 26, 1961
June 24, 1963