This breezy sex comedy follows ex-journalist turned rock promoter Richard Muir (Colin Friel), who is pulled in two different directions by the women in his life -- his vivacious wife, Catherine (Catherine McClements), who wants to have a baby -- and Carla (Helen Mutkins), his ambitious mistress, who wants to have Richard.
Release Date: November 29, 1990
August 13, 1998
November 21, 2020
August 17, 2006
July 29, 1999
July 09, 1992
July 01, 1983
August 13, 1987
May 20, 2019
April 05, 2019
April 10, 1997
February 24, 2000
November 10, 1976
August 31, 2017
January 25, 2018
July 09, 1998
May 13, 1969
April 27, 2017
April 22, 2004
February 24, 2009
December 08, 1933