The film is a series of vignettes from Taiji Tonoyama's life and film clips, interspersed with a dialogue to camera by Nobuko Otowa, addressing the camera as if she is addressing Tonoyama himself, recollecting events in his life. The film focuses on Tonoyama's alcohol dependence and his various sexual relationships, as well as his film work with Shindo.
Release Date: December 02, 2000
January 19, 1966
May 24, 1995
June 02, 1989
September 02, 1999
February 09, 1940
April 24, 1917
March 27, 2014
April 21, 1998
August 09, 1996
June 30, 1995
September 13, 2005
October 13, 2017
July 28, 2017
December 27, 1926
May 18, 1980
September 19, 2023
November 08, 2022
April 28, 2000
September 01, 2011
January 25, 2019