The classic movie "The Great Escape" was based on a real life escape attempt during the second world war. This documentary follows Archaeologists who are trying to find the original tunnels dug by the real prisoners of war who escaped. Some of the surviving prisoners also join the team to assist with the tunnel locations and to describe what it was really like to live that situation. In an effort to understand the technical details of how this feet of ingenuity was achieved, the team recreate some of the equipment used by the prisoners.
Release Date: November 28, 2011
March 06, 1942
March 04, 1955
January 21, 1976
November 12, 2013
May 16, 1943
August 29, 2020
August 08, 2016
October 27, 1945
December 29, 1945
April 28, 2000
July 12, 2011
January 01, 2010
October 01, 2012
March 14, 2024
June 24, 1970
March 25, 1999
September 01, 2022
March 01, 2020
December 21, 1951
May 11, 1984