"Ia Wujud" follows a a group of teenagers who breaks into an abandoned theme park. Set at a time before the flurry of horror stories from the Highland Tower case, the group believes that ghosts do not exist. So they challenge each other to a 'spirit of the coin' game in the abandoned park, but they soon find that ultimately what they are looking for actually exists.
Release Date: May 15, 2014
November 01, 2018
March 16, 2012
August 13, 2016
June 01, 2018
October 15, 2006
January 01, 2011
August 29, 2006
June 23, 2014
November 20, 2016
December 09, 2022
March 03, 2017
July 14, 1999
January 31, 1998
November 08, 2013
April 09, 2010
September 21, 2008
January 29, 2015
July 08, 2005
October 06, 2006
December 07, 2012