In the final days of the One Year War, a Zeon special forces group infiltrates a colony to gather information on a new Gundam unit. Alfred Izuruha, a 10-year-old student, befriends Zeon rookie pilot Bernie Wiseman during a brief mobile suit combat. Meanwhile, Al meets up with Christina MacKenzie, his former neighbor and babysitter. Little does he know that not only is Christina a member of the Earth Federation, she's the test pilot of the new Gundam NT-4 prototype.
Release Date: March 25, 1989
May 25, 1977
June 23, 1994
April 17, 1941
May 02, 1997
January 15, 1943
June 19, 1998
December 18, 1996
January 21, 1986
March 21, 1986
December 17, 2023
June 07, 2014
August 25, 2006
November 24, 2006
February 23, 2007
December 15, 1957
January 01, 2002
November 07, 1997
June 30, 1995
December 25, 1997
December 20, 1962