Merle Hammond (Michael McKean), a sleazy attorney, uses corrupt tactics and convinces a jury to acquit his client who is a killer. Gwen (Annette O'Toole), the murdered victim's sister, plots revenge against the attorney. Out of desperation, she kidnaps and tortures him in an attempt to make him confess to his unscrupulous tactics. The cards twist when he escapes and puts her on trial for his kidnapping.
Release Date: June 01, 1998
June 05, 1936
April 18, 1986
September 08, 1990
February 02, 1996
December 22, 1989
October 23, 1987
November 18, 1997
October 17, 1997
July 07, 1960
September 16, 2016
July 24, 1996
November 17, 2017
December 21, 1962
December 12, 1993
January 20, 1995
September 10, 2020
September 24, 1999
May 15, 1989
October 19, 1979
March 15, 1991