India Gate movie tells the story of Gayathri (Vani Viswanath) who is the young, charming daughter of Narayana Sharma, a pious Brahmin, is saved from some people who try to molest her by Vishnu Dattan (Charanraj) who is a young, daring police officer. Vishnu and Gayathri consequently fall in love and tie the nuptial knot.But things do not end here. Vishnu and his sisters are murdered and Gayathri brutally raped. Time passes on, and after a gap Gayathri returns as Parvathy Sharma, to fight her enemies who include some bigwigs like Viswanathan, Vaavachchan, Pollachi Thevar and Sharath.
Release Date: August 05, 2002
September 11, 1998
July 04, 1993
October 23, 2013
January 31, 2001
June 21, 1983
June 21, 1983
June 21, 1983
June 21, 1983
June 21, 1983
June 21, 1983
June 21, 1983
June 21, 1983
June 21, 1983
June 21, 1983
June 21, 1983
June 21, 1983
June 21, 1982
June 21, 1982
July 23, 1982
June 21, 1982