Set in Baku at the turn of the 20th century, a young successful businessman Asgar wishes to marry. He wants his bride to be the choice of his heart, however, Azerbaijani tradition restricted him from communicating with the lady as a lover before marriage. So Asgar decides to disguise himself as a mere cloth peddler and the young woman Gulchohra falls in love with him.
Release Date: October 01, 1945
December 23, 1946
September 28, 1999
December 25, 1997
December 06, 1996
April 06, 1990
January 12, 2001
October 10, 2006
December 08, 2004
May 28, 2003
January 12, 2022
March 19, 1975
December 12, 1980
April 01, 2004
February 16, 2006
August 02, 1962
May 13, 1959
December 08, 2009
November 18, 1983
October 29, 1953
October 21, 1964