This film originated as a play in Paris. The story focuses on the one-day adventures of Bertrand Barnier played with a genius of French cinema, Louis de Funes. In the same morning he learns that his daughter is pregnant, an employee stole a large amount of money from his company, his maid is about to resign in order to marry a wealthy neighbor and his body builder is interested in marrying his daughter. The seemingly complicated story-line is full of comedy or errors and some of the most hilarious mime scenes of the French cinema.
Release Date: October 11, 1967
June 02, 2009
May 10, 1931
November 19, 1923
March 09, 1994
October 17, 1973
November 16, 1990
November 15, 1992
July 26, 2006
Invalid Date
January 20, 2022
December 18, 1982
February 12, 2002
June 06, 2003
February 13, 2003
March 13, 1987
March 11, 1999
August 11, 1973
January 05, 2014
Invalid Date
March 01, 2006