The film revolves around T.P. Balagopalan (Mohanlal), a middle class post-graduate salaried person, who wants to build himself and also needs to take care of his extended family members. The film went over factors influencing Kerala of the 1980s such as widespread unemployment, poverty, and the poor economy.
Release Date: July 04, 1986
September 11, 1998
July 04, 1993
October 23, 2013
January 31, 2001
June 21, 1983
June 21, 1983
June 21, 1983
June 21, 1983
June 21, 1983
June 21, 1983
June 21, 1983
June 21, 1983
June 21, 1983
June 21, 1983
June 21, 1983
June 21, 1983
June 21, 1982
June 21, 1982
July 23, 1982
June 21, 1982