At the outbreak of the Second World War, two friends, Mokrane and Menach, abruptly interrupt their studies and return to their remote native Kabylian village of Tagsa. While waiting to be drafted into the French Army they have time to woo. Mokrane falls for beautiful Aazi and soon marries her only to find out that she can bear no child. Menach, on his part, is stongly attracted to Davda, but the latter is already married to a rich merchant...Happiness does not seem to be in store for the two former students...
Release Date: May 19, 1996
November 15, 2022
February 04, 2002
May 27, 1995
January 26, 2022
February 28, 1975
February 19, 1959
September 23, 2022
November 05, 1965
April 28, 2000
March 02, 2008
March 22, 1978
March 19, 1975
December 24, 1976
April 12, 1967
December 25, 2005
September 08, 2021
January 20, 1993
January 26, 1970
August 25, 2016
September 19, 2019