Shiro Emiya is a young magus who attends Homurahara Academy in Fuyuki City. One day after cleaning the Archery Dojo in his school, he catches a glimpse of a fight between superhuman beings, and he gets involved in the Holy Grail War, a ritual where magi called Masters fight each other with their Servants to win the Holy Grail. Shiro joins the battle to stop an evildoer from winning the Grail and to save innocent people, but everything goes wrong when a mysterious "Shadow" begins to indiscriminately kill people in Fuyuki...
Release Date: October 14, 2017
March 16, 1960
June 25, 2006
September 06, 2003
February 27, 2004
March 01, 2019
March 16, 2019
August 26, 1950
October 15, 1999
February 08, 2005
May 24, 1989
July 09, 1982
December 18, 2001
December 18, 2002
December 17, 2003
July 12, 1997
July 20, 2001
June 10, 1988
October 10, 2003
September 23, 2005
December 15, 2004