Directed by Vladimir Gardin and Yakov Protazanov, this two-part epic was the most expensive Russian film at the time and smashed box office records. It is now considered lost, with only a 4 minute clip surviving.
Release Date: January 02, 1913
May 01, 1922
September 20, 2000
August 01, 1927
February 09, 2013
September 24, 1919
October 08, 1916
August 19, 1915
October 18, 1915
February 21, 1916
February 14, 1916
January 23, 1915
August 10, 1919
May 14, 1915
May 17, 2003
September 06, 1920
October 30, 1921
October 01, 1923
September 01, 1916
May 03, 1916
July 06, 1918