In 1910, Hong Kong, under the rule of the British Empire, is a prosperous and bustling city, but, hidden in the shadows of its many narrow streets, the hideous members of the Red Dragon gang, a branch of the evil Chinese secret society of the Tongs, lurk and murder those who oppose to their tyranny, which thrives on vice, crime and the fear of the weakest.
Release Date: March 15, 1961
September 02, 2016
January 07, 1977
March 22, 2019
October 16, 2014
April 11, 2007
June 22, 1954
October 25, 2007
November 21, 2003
September 12, 1990
June 06, 1935
February 14, 1991
March 08, 1996
October 13, 1995
May 21, 2003
May 23, 1984
September 09, 1993
May 24, 2002
September 11, 2006
July 16, 1999
September 19, 1986