In this animated short, a self-important colonial explorer emerges from a sailing ship and plants a flag on the Arctic ice, as a bemused Inuit hunter looks on. Then the explorer plants another, and another, and another, while the hunter, clearly not impressed that his land has been “discovered,” quietly goes about his business. In this charming and humorous re-imagining of first contact between Inuit and European, Jonathan Wright brings us the story of a savvy hunter and the ill-equipped explorer he outwits.
Release Date: June 01, 2010
June 01, 2017
October 23, 2003
May 02, 2023
June 13, 2002
September 22, 1976
June 01, 2010
June 01, 2010
January 01, 2010
January 02, 1967
October 22, 2017
October 30, 2007
September 19, 1954
December 20, 2018
January 20, 1988
October 05, 1933
December 18, 2015
April 15, 2015
October 26, 2018
January 01, 1978
April 09, 2015