Grace Dalrymple Elliot is a British aristocrat trapped in Paris during the French Revolution. Determined to maintain her stiff upper lip and pampered life despite the upheaval, Grace continues her friendship with the Duke of Orléans while risking her life and liberty to protect a fugitive.
Release Date: September 07, 2001
January 19, 1966
March 16, 1960
September 19, 1984
June 25, 2006
January 01, 2003
September 04, 1968
June 22, 1962
September 09, 1970
January 24, 1979
October 04, 1982
October 12, 2005
September 08, 1993
July 06, 2000
June 03, 1959
June 16, 2004
February 07, 1935
December 21, 1988
August 26, 1992
January 22, 1999
March 31, 1999