In this story, Horton discovers there is a microscopic community of intelligent beings called the Who's living on a plant that only he can hear. Recognising the dangers they face, he resolves to keep them safe. However, the other animals around him think Horton has gone crazy thinking that there are such beings.
Release Date: March 18, 1970
February 19, 2016
October 29, 1982
July 18, 1995
October 15, 1971
February 01, 1999
February 06, 1994
December 06, 1991
June 22, 1977
July 14, 1995
October 31, 1941
October 18, 2024
December 26, 2013
April 30, 2011
November 17, 2000
June 19, 1981
January 30, 2002
September 23, 1977
October 14, 1978
November 27, 1996
April 12, 1996