Race-car driver Blaine Striker grows concerned about his younger brother, a student at a medical school on the Caribbean island of St. Heron. General Turner has led a violent coup on this island and may be planning to blow up the school in order to blame the destruction on counterrevolutionaries. Striker infiltrates St. Heron, is captured, stripped to his tighty-whiteys, and electrotortured. He escapes, joins forces with the counterrevolutionaries, and foils a plot to assemble Russian missiles on the island.
Release Date: September 14, 1988
September 10, 1999
July 15, 1988
November 07, 1997
July 17, 1987
June 12, 1987
December 18, 2002
December 17, 2003
June 10, 1988
July 09, 2003
August 25, 1995
August 03, 1994
August 03, 2005
September 11, 1996
January 01, 2005
April 28, 2009
October 02, 2002
February 02, 1996
September 08, 2002
October 31, 2002
February 09, 1996