At a giant beachside mansion, Pikachu and some of its buddies decide to play a game of hide-and-seek. Pikachu is “it,” and it goes off in search of its friends. Meanwhile, Larvitar, sick of being all by itself, kicks a rock in anger. The rock hurtles through the air—and hits a lawnmower, turning it on and sending it tearing off after Pikachu and its friends! The group draws the lawnmower into a maze and even gets it into the water, but the lawnmower just keeps on chasing. The Pokémon build a road out of logs, hoping to get the lawnmower into a shack, but Psyduck trips and ruins the whole setup. How will the friends ever escape the lawnmower? This fantasy will have you on the edge of your seat!
Release Date: July 07, 2001
January 20, 2022
December 30, 2021
January 01, 2012
January 01, 2003
June 22, 1962
March 01, 2019
March 16, 2019
April 07, 2013
January 01, 1984
November 15, 1947
March 19, 1948
January 23, 1948
July 09, 1948
February 06, 1948
July 12, 1997
July 20, 2001
June 10, 1988
September 13, 2020
August 25, 2020
March 11, 1984