This documentary shows how the Berliner workers lived in 1930. The director Slatan Dudow shows through images: a) the workers leaving the factory; b) the raise of the rents; c) the "unpleasant" guest, meaning the justice officer that brings the eviction notice; d) the fight of classes of the houses of capitalists and working classes; e) the parks of the working class; f) the houses of the working class, origin of the tuberculosis and the victims; g) the playground of the working class; h) the swimming pool for the working class, ironically called the "Baltic Sea" of the working class; i) the effects of humidity of basement where a family lives, with one member deaf; j) one working class family having dinner while the capitalist baths his dog; k) the eviction notice received from an unemployed family and their eviction.
Release Date: December 31, 1930
April 26, 2019
October 20, 1995
May 12, 1929
June 01, 1968
May 20, 1891
April 30, 1891
January 23, 1977
January 14, 1889
March 30, 2007
November 21, 2020
June 19, 1895
January 01, 1981
December 01, 1933
August 12, 1998
January 01, 1980
June 30, 1896
September 23, 1927
December 31, 1905
January 01, 1929
September 02, 2013