The bizarre adventures of the cartoon character Foska, drawn by 22 animators working in collaboration. Each animator worked on his or her own sequence only and did not know what action preceded or followed his or her sequence, except that the first drawing of a sequence is the last drawing from the previous sequence. Preserved by the Academy Film Archive in 2010.
Release Date: January 01, 1984
January 01, 1976
May 18, 1990
December 17, 1993
March 07, 1996
November 27, 1977
October 18, 1945
February 09, 1944
January 01, 1971
January 01, 1951
September 06, 1946
December 26, 1941
February 05, 1951
February 03, 1946
January 29, 1949
February 19, 1971
January 01, 1953
September 03, 2013
August 08, 2006
December 21, 1943
January 01, 1977