Don Duong stars as a truck driver who falls in love with a young student girl in a roadside border canteen. Unsure about him, she returns to school but finally decides to throw in her lot with him. This decision forms the gambling motif in the film, a decision which causes her grief, when she later becomes the subject of his gamble.
Release Date: January 01, 1991
October 01, 2002
June 26, 1969
March 19, 1999
February 13, 1987
June 27, 1978
March 05, 1975
August 03, 1994
September 18, 1987
October 05, 2001
November 02, 2007
October 05, 2001
October 12, 2007
June 13, 2007
February 16, 1938
September 12, 1990
February 09, 2008
April 09, 1983
December 27, 2000
March 10, 1976
September 30, 2004