In the 1800s, a stormy love relationship develops quickly between a young medical student and a woman believing herself to be the daughter of his scientist uncle, the student having never heard of her before their chance encounter and both unaware that she is the result of the scientist's illegal experiments with artificial insemination..
Release Date: October 22, 1952
December 01, 1967
May 18, 1993
May 18, 2001
November 05, 1919
March 02, 1982
July 17, 2004
June 22, 2018
July 21, 1974
May 03, 2004
August 13, 1998
July 26, 1912
November 23, 2016
June 27, 1956
December 21, 1972
August 29, 1946
October 18, 1985
August 28, 1998
March 07, 1973
May 27, 1917
June 21, 1968