Named after the World War II-era program, the plot revolves around a gifted high school student who decides to construct a nuclear bomb for a national science fair. The film's underlying theme involves the Cold War of the 1980s when government secrecy and mutually assured destruction were key political and military issues.
Release Date: June 13, 1986
August 09, 1985
September 20, 1964
June 13, 1967
June 26, 1979
May 24, 1985
June 27, 1997
June 06, 1935
May 24, 2002
May 23, 1997
July 18, 2001
March 17, 2006
June 07, 2005
July 26, 2002
June 01, 1955
June 19, 1998
June 26, 2021
July 11, 1997
November 12, 1997
September 25, 1998
November 18, 1995