Set in 1941, the film delves into the complexities of rural life in Bengal. It sheds light on the oppressive Zamindari system, a social structure that perpetuates inequality and suffering. By exploring the lives of individuals caught within this system, the film offers a poignant commentary on the changing social dynamics and the growing discontent that would ultimately lead to significant transformations.
Release Date: April 14, 1962
February 04, 2021
March 07, 2013
December 21, 2020
March 29, 1939
March 15, 1968
December 27, 1967
November 03, 1967
April 16, 1915
April 23, 1915
October 28, 1915
December 27, 1913
October 31, 1915
December 09, 1915
November 24, 2023
October 15, 2021
April 13, 1940
December 27, 1940
June 28, 1940
December 16, 1940
April 26, 1940