Chidambara Rahasiyam revolves around a simpleton Chidambaram, who is framed for murder. Here enters CID Beemarao who teams up with the local police and Arun to find the real culprits.
Release Date: December 14, 1985
September 24, 1999
June 14, 2002
March 22, 2007
February 12, 1988
January 01, 2014
April 18, 1997
October 16, 1971
January 12, 1940
May 12, 1951
June 29, 1954
October 03, 1990
March 20, 1981
August 25, 2000
June 03, 1983
April 28, 2000
October 18, 1987
October 15, 2003
January 23, 1935
March 01, 1936
May 19, 1950