Christianne Tisdale (Broadway's +Beauty and the Beast) headlines this stage musical adaptation of the Cinderella story, produced by the New York State Theatre Institute in 1996. It recounts the familiar tale of a minor and inconsequential scrubgirl who longs to meet the prince of her dreams but is constantly thwarted by her vile and manipulative stepsisters and stepmother - until her colorful Godmama (Lorraine Serabian) shows up. George David Weiss and Will Severin composed the music to lyrics by Weiss, W.A. Frankonis wrote the book, and Adrienne Spagnola Posner choreographed.
Release Date: April 01, 1998
July 10, 2020
October 04, 2020
June 12, 2013
January 19, 2022
February 28, 1954
December 10, 1985
March 14, 1986
September 06, 2008
December 18, 2005
May 17, 1986
January 01, 1998
January 01, 2002
April 26, 2013
October 05, 1998
August 20, 1937
July 02, 1946
July 12, 2017
February 09, 1993
May 11, 1935
May 11, 2023