A unique and insightful documentary following the experiences of college baseball players as they compete in one of the most prestigious amateur leagues in the country, The Cape Cod Baseball League (CCBL). There are currently over 200 MLB players that have spent time in the Cape Cod League. Filmed over the summer of 2003, Touching The Game takes viewers behind the scenes of the CCBL, from host families and hot dog vendors, to fans and former players, now household names through their own Major League careers. Featuring extensive interviews, incredible aerial footage, and a local soundtrack, Touching The Game shows baseball in its purest form.
Release Date: July 01, 2004
March 19, 2015
July 11, 2001
August 15, 2010
September 26, 2009
September 25, 2003
May 24, 2022
October 13, 2019
December 01, 1977
October 15, 2020
October 01, 2006
October 17, 1998
December 01, 1995
December 01, 1991
December 11, 2021
November 01, 2010
January 20, 2014
January 20, 2014
January 01, 2015
July 29, 2021