Thousands of years ago, aliens visited Earth and fathered the Pumaman, a man-god with supernatural powers entrusted by a gold mask with the ability to control people's minds, which in present-day London, falls into the wrong hands.
Release Date: February 14, 1980
December 18, 2020
January 18, 2014
August 03, 2007
July 21, 2008
July 11, 2008
July 20, 1990
April 21, 2010
July 21, 1993
April 09, 2014
November 21, 2003
June 21, 1989
June 10, 2005
July 03, 1991
July 22, 2004
August 17, 2006
July 23, 1999
June 19, 1992
January 24, 2017
January 19, 2018
July 07, 1961