Andy Lanning, a peace-loving blacksmith, rescues Ann, the fiancée of Charles Merchant, from a runaway team. When the town bully picks a fight with Andy, he knocks him unconscious, and (thinking he has killed him) Andy rides into the hills. Merchant, jealous of Ann's admiration for Andy, bribes the sheriff to kill Andy, who has joined a band of outlaws in the wastelands. Forced to defend himself, Andy kills the sheriff, but later he saves the new sheriff's life and forces him to hear his story when he is placed in jeopardy by the outlaw band. Meanwhile, Ann, who has broken her engagement to Merchant, engages a lawyer to clear Andy, and he returns to find her awaiting him.
Release Date: May 13, 1922
December 23, 1970
December 07, 1903
June 24, 1965
December 25, 2020
October 13, 1995
August 12, 1917
November 26, 2003
September 10, 1972
September 12, 1964
June 08, 1919
June 15, 1966
July 28, 1919
June 26, 1946
March 30, 1990
October 18, 2017
October 21, 2005
August 12, 1970
January 13, 1972
April 13, 2003
July 21, 1976