The true story of a pair of college students who attempted a double suicide to end their doomed romance becomes fare for legendary pinku-eiga director Hisayasu Sato in this feature. Fatalistic and sad, this is one of the more depressing Japanese softcore films, and Sato makes it even worse by including footage from the lovers’ actual 8 mm experimental film throughout the story
Release Date: July 01, 1986
October 09, 1981
December 27, 1999
September 29, 2018
January 27, 1995
October 29, 1977
January 30, 1988
October 27, 1995
January 03, 1998
December 27, 1999
July 22, 2006
October 18, 2003
February 07, 1997
July 26, 1986
September 01, 1988
October 19, 1990
January 01, 1987
January 01, 1986
October 03, 2007
November 21, 1987
October 15, 2010