In the 1960s, the lives of three college classmates, Ismail, Zainab, and Helmy, take a dark turn when the three of them are arrested and tortured as part of the repressive and violent practices that were employed by the General Intelligence Directorate back then.
Release Date: December 29, 1975
August 03, 1987
October 14, 1967
February 23, 1952
December 08, 1975
November 12, 1962
March 16, 1970
October 13, 1969
April 15, 1968
November 16, 1981
September 22, 1969
July 03, 1972
July 24, 1988
February 08, 1959
September 08, 1986
April 29, 1957
March 05, 1962
November 29, 1937
August 02, 2023
October 31, 1960
October 31, 1966