The film's events revolve around the singer Farid, who is in love with one of the dancers, who decides to travel on an artistic tour. He proposes to her to marry her after she returns from the travel, but he falls under psychological pressure that forces him to marry another girl who also works as a singer. After the dancer returns from the travel, she discovers something... Her lover's marriage, so she leaves him, but later she discovers that things are not as they seem, and that the singer's uncle loves the dancer and wants to marry her.
Release Date: February 21, 1952
December 16, 1998
February 19, 1959
March 01, 1980
November 05, 2021
September 13, 2007
July 10, 1993
August 01, 1985
November 21, 2004
April 13, 2016
October 19, 2023
November 14, 1996
December 11, 1975
September 19, 2008
September 03, 2019
February 23, 1970
October 05, 1956
June 12, 1963
April 18, 2002
December 18, 1959
January 01, 1999