Johannes lives together with his father, the middle-aged widower Ulrik in a small fishing town in the northern part of Denmark. They live a quiet routine life, each minding their separate jobs in the fishing industry. Ulrik misses the love and tenderness of a woman and arranges for the young, beautiful, Filipino Rosita to come to Denmark - just as many other men in the town have done before him. Johannes is reluctantly drawn into this as Ulrik's translator. However, over the following weeks Johannes and Rosita are getting more and more attracted to each other which forces Johannes to take responsibility for his dreams and his future.
Release Date: April 16, 2015
October 09, 2016
April 09, 1996
January 12, 1982
August 07, 2020
January 24, 2017
November 25, 1975
November 01, 2001
November 10, 2009
April 14, 1999
August 01, 2017
September 26, 2015
April 28, 2024
January 01, 1999
June 11, 2007
May 24, 2023
April 28, 2014
April 03, 1987
September 20, 1989
March 26, 1998
March 17, 2017